Gina has expressed concern that I have very few photos of her on this blog, so this blog is dedicated to the beautiful image of my fantastic wife.
Here she is right before eating this tasty rock. This was a cold afternoon of camping up on the Mogollon (mogeyon) Rim. It was a windy night but we had a nice afternoon kayak.
Gina and I both enjoy kayaking. BUt Gina is by far the more skilled kayaker. Sure there are some that surf the wakes of oil tankers in the ocean. Gina is the real exploer though. She has invented a sport called shark wake kayaking. You just toss in a baby seal in front of your kayak in hopes that a large great white will explode from the ocean and make a wake big enough to play in. Here is Gina with the move that won her the World Shark Wake Play Boating Championship.
Yes Gina is an explorer. She has been to many places in her earlier career as a fight attendant. She keeps track of all of the states she has visited as well as each planet or satellite. Gina is more than a world traveler - she is a galaxy traveler.
Here is a photo from one of Gina's favorites trips to the moon where she stopped to relax for a while just as another flight of tourists arrived.

Of course she has photos when she visited Mercury and Jupiter. And who can forget that wonderful trip to the Planet X!
Gina has truly done it all! We love you Mrs. rock eating, shark flipping, moon romping woman!